Art: citrea, Nikko, Quantum Spaceman, TiltTheStars, Worldwaker2
Code: aridai, Bigkahuna, hanss314, Scroogle, Viv
Decoration: citrea, Worldwaker2
Gameplay: RadleyMcTuneston, citrea, Quantum Spaceman, TiltTheStars, Worldwaker2
Gameplay Polish: Kataiser
Music: Kataiser
Original Concept: RadleyMcTuneston
Playtesting: Kataiser
Sound Effects: Kataiser
Sticker: Phrog
The Lab's based on some very special bubbles, but it's perhaps most memorable for its excellent sound and music design; there's a music change around every corner, and a limitless supply of cool sound effects when you use the teleporters. Whoops, spoilers.